The lower area is octagonally structured with a landing pad situated at the center. Two diverging ramps lead to the lower section of the platform. The upper section of the platform holds a terminal, which Al-An uses to a set course to his homeworld. The Shuttle Platform is a large structure attached to the side of a mountain. However, the player is not allowed to save the game once entering the portal so you will not become permanently stuck, and it is advised to save before going in to make sure progress leading up to this point is not lost. Once the player travels through this gate, they cannot go back. This teleporter leads to a corridor attached to the facility's Shuttle Platform. Once Al-An acquires his body, he will be able to activate both the generator and the Back Room teleporter.
Towards the back of the chamber is an archway to large room that contains a deactivated teleporter. Beyond the entryway is the Power Room, a chamber containing a generator, used to channel energy to the warp gate.